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SeisWave Corporation
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Fig 1: Seam model is a 3D TTI model with size 40km long, 35km width and 15km depth.
Forward Modeling

Fig 2: Shots positioned 20 meters beneath the sea surface, arranged with a spacing of 40m x 40m

Fig 3: Receivers positioned on the sea bottom, arranged with a spacing of 1000m x 1000m

Acquisition setup:
TTI acoustic wave equation modeling with density
876876 shots: spacing 40m × 40m, at depth 20m
1476 OBN nodes: spacing 1km × 1km, on the seafloor
Downgoing ghost free primary data for mirror migration
Common node gathers: maximum offsets are 40km and 35km in X and Y, respectively
40Hz, 16s recording time
Fig 4: 40Hz simulation result
RTM key parameters
TTI RTM mirror imaging
1476 nodes
Max frequency: 40 Hz
Max offset: 17.5 km
Max time : 16s
Dual output in one run: impedance and reflectivity
Max depth: 15km
dz: 8m
CDP: 25m × 25m
Range: 40km×35km

Fig 5: Seam migration result in inline 801. Left: impedance Right: reflectivity

Fig 6: Seam migration result in inline 901. Left: impedance Right: reflectivity

Fig 7: Seam migration result in inline 1001. Left: impedance Right: reflectivity

Fig 8: Seam migration result in xline 1001. Left: impedance Right: reflectivity

Fig 9: Seam migration result in xline 1101. Left: impedance Right: reflectivity

Fig 10: Seam migration result in xline 1501. Left: impedance Right: reflectivity

Fig 11: Seam migration reflectivity in depth 7000 and 8000

Fig 12: Seam migration reflectivity in depth 13480 and 14300
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